If you’re wondering what a good SAT score is, you’re not alone. It’s one of our top questions from students and parents at sat-tutoring-palo-alto-ca. The answer depends on what you want to do with your score.

What constitutes a good score to apply to this college as a senior is relative to the schools to which one is applying. Every school has its expectation of scores, and an average score for a highly selective school may fall into the top percentiles of scores at another.

Think of the college application as a recipe with many varied ingredients. One ingredient is the SAT score. Several schools require a score, while most schools are test optional. Taking the SAT can still be useful in helping your applications when schools are test optional.

That score, together with the other elements of your application, such as your GPA, your extracurricular activities, and your personal essay, may combine in a way that really pays off: with an acceptance letter worth savoring.

Besides helping you stand out on college applications-and keeping your options open-the SAT can help you plan for your future.
It reflects well where you are good academically and where your potential for development lies if it is your first time taking the test.
Your SAT score may connect you with scholarships that can help you finance your college education. Delve deeper into options by investigating Careers Insights Snapshot through the reporting of your SAT score, which can directly connect your skill and interest profile to the fastest-growing careers in your state. Takeaway, this means a great score is one that, in combination with the rest of your application, helps you get into a college you’re excited about-or identifies strengths to help drive career options.

To determine average SAT score ranges of the colleges on the college list you have generated Use the College Search tool on BigFuture.org For each college, read the Overview tab and the Admission tab.